"The reason this country took such a vicious hit on 9/11 in the first place was because the Bush administration was asleep at the switch."...
You might want to use use Novak's own words. Novak same story another link Published in July and does not become a big issue until...
I think it is funny that she would say all of those comments in front of Bush's assistant Sec of State, who is of hispanic heritage and whose boss...
MIAMI_—_U.S. Rep._Corrine Brown (search)_apologized Thursday for remarks she made a day earlier_when she said Hispanics and whites "all look alike...
Phat, Why can't you post actual links so we can see for ourselves? Otherwise your posts are a waste of time film maker and have given us...
Again you cannot post links. You are taking quotes out of context, and are trying to use stuff like this instead of talking about the issues....
Is this different from your article bowel? Time Link
Here is one from the Post for you? These are the people you think were actually doing the best job possible against Osama???? Washington Post...
I guess you ignored my CNN and NYTIMES links, and that the some of others were reviewing and/or posting parts of a book from a former WSJ...
Oh thanks for educating me. I did not know this. I am so gullible. Wow I am not very phat either.
Re: dallasgenius, you have opened my eyes How is "You obviously did not read about Clinton's or his team's mistakes." and "Lets just take...
Wasn't Dukakis leading GHW Bush at one point or was pretty close until the Republican convention and then Bush pretty much ran away with it. GW...
That is about as good an argument as you telling me "Well at least you'll know that I canceled your vote out come November."
It effected us all. It was you that went there whether it was a poor choice of words or on purpose does not matter to me.
Back up your statements. You are right this is America, and I can think you are making stuff up or misquoting it until you offer up something that...
Right that is not what you meant to imply at all. Strange choice of words after 09/11. If you meant "taken over" and "bully pulpit" that is...
Prove it. All of us here usually do that instead of blowing smoke. "Next - I only asked you to think that 9/11 might not have happened if Bush...
"Hijacking" - are you trying to compare us with the terrorists of 09/11? Isn't that as slap in the face to all of america?
I guess Clinton and his team were to busy trying to find Osama and stopping Saddam than to look into this. CNN link on McVeigh