The closest thing to a news site that you have posted - Slate (helped in its start by the left part of Crossfire would still make it...
I see why film maker rarely posts links besides using obscure websites, blogs, or homepages he does not seem to be able to use quotation marks...
Re: OK, Enough dicking around, let's cut to the chase... Where was this proven? Its funny that you think this is true. Did you get this as...
Re: WTF are you raving about now, Dallas Ostrich? You told me 3 days ago you would come up with those mainstream news links, but I guess...
Re: Now what? Posting Kay's actual words from Oct versus your link from June is mud slinging. It is sad that you just ignore that...
Still waiting on this for your comments about Bush. Put down that plate, use the computer at the restaurant, and get to searching film maker.
You post an article from Nov 2000. I guess you believe more has not come out since then. So if you post a writing before Columbus sailed that said...
Sounds a little angry and whining to me. In this day and age unless you are a vegetable (which your posts do leave some doubt on this) you can...
Re: I just couldn't resist Would this be Clinton's lies as well? link Of course he backed down in the face of "our trusted allies"...
That is pretty funny coming from you. I guess you at least have a sense of humor about your condition.
What a stupid comparison? You are just angry, because the government will not support you financially. I know people that are in wheel chairs...
You quote me, but then put in quotes "Clinton made Bush do it" Did you read that in my post? or is this just more proof that you cannot read.
film maker you are also way late on this. Posting an article from June. Kay's report was in Oct. thread link link cnn link thread...
I guess Clinton, Gore, Kerry all lied as well, so I guess that means you voted for Nadar and Perot the past three elections and will have to vote...
Ok waiter boy I mean film maker you have selective memory when it does not fit you fiction. You know who Wilson supported and supports now. It is...
Re: Wake up, dallastigers Still waiting from 02/25. You have seen the news I have used just on this thread alone- Post, CNN, writer from...
Re: Is Clinton running in this election? Film maker Clinton knew within a month. Try again. Besides I thought Clinton had 8 years of hard...
Is that why Clinton did not retaliate after attack on the USS Cole in OCT of 2000 about a month before the election?
Back it up and answer the other questions that went with this post? I find it strange that you have never posted a link except to a homepage, but...
This from the same person who cannot back up anything either