Here is a article that gives list of guys that may miss the L.S.U. game and those that sre knicked up...
Re: Dorsey is gone... !slap fishead :rofl:
Surely you are joking :)
Raining like cats and dogs. looks like it will be raining at game time... who does it help ??
Benjamin Franklin "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." i don't think we...
Wow... guys don't drink the koolaid...There is a vast difference between Koresh and what is going on every single Muslim in the U.S....
I Hate these discussions....Who would trust Penn and Tellers for any kind of enlightenment. I come here to read about L.S.U. Sports and chat with...
Popular bill's mininum wage will be a huge fight :nope:
not a superstious person but I looks at the Saints then i look at L.S.U. and it looks like the the two teams have switched luck, karma whatever...
sorry in advance for this.... MISS IT NOONAN ....... DANNY... lol sorry couldn't resist....:rofl:
Just came back from Europe... we seem to be only country that doesn't profile I was at several airports and if you looked of middle Eastern...
went fishing saturday... southeast out of Dauphin Island about 25 miles or straight out ou gulfshore about 15 miles... Nice Red snapper and some...
thanks dd made my day:thumb:
score ? im at work
not another last 3 minute fade :mad:
ok not by a tv actually eating a krystal hamburger whats score?
night all...thanks for talking it made the game more enjoyable....cya later have a great new year
yuck...was feeling great then they show pete carrol and usuck at half time:crystal:
you are right Katt...i was thinking the same thing
lets see time to rest and heal helps but i admit in this game Flynn looks great.... all i know is we have talent at qb for next year