I'm just glad they finally seen enough film of JJ dropping back to pass and the receivers all run blocking to let em know the **** wasn't working....
He hasn't been warming up with them for a while, but if you watch, at the part of warmups where the o lines up with half a line and hands off to...
The thing I notice everytime Shep touches the ball is that the entire crowd let's out a sigh when he takes a hand off and only gains 5 yards....
Well hate to bust some of your bubbles, but Scott is going to be a feature back in teh NFL within the next 3 years. He hasn't had a hole to run...
Me either. He needs to be Percy Harvin all over again. And be happy doing so. Lots of kids can be QB's, guys like Shep and Percy are much more...
I think your idea is on, however we have to face the fact that we are most probably only going to see 45-50 offensive plays. You know Miles will...
Walker did it in 3 years. Tebow 4.
In all of their defense, There has probably been less than 30 field goals of that distance kicked in the last 10 years. So I have no problem...
The only way the first can be right is if they said he had a finger on the ball with his knee down. Momentum can take a receiving player into the...
Re: Price List - Week 8 Tulame Jordan Jefferson . $28 Rueben Randle . $9 Russell Shepard . $8 Jarrett Lee . $7 Brandon Taylor . $3 Deangelo...
If I were Miles, I would let Shep throw it two or three times. Give Saban one more thing to think about.
I think in this game we will still be chunking the footabll with 6 minutes left in the 4th up by 50.
For even more fun, go get a decent paint ball gun and a bag of marbles. The marbles are the same size as paint balls and with the right...
I don't understand your numbers. He was 21 of 31 with either 5 or 6 drops (depending on who you talk too). He was sacked 3 times. So that...
Yep. 21/31 for 246 is pretty good, but even better when you consider if his receivers do their job he would have been 27 for 31 for about 350....
I understand all of this and agree with you. BUT, Hawkins didn't play any after he left the game. He is hurt no doubt, or at least was pulled...
Maybe not in the polls, but probably in the BCS. SOS would help a ton.
So it's now official he will not redshirt or get a medical hardship due to playing last night. My question is this. What happened last night...
Nah, basically what happened last night was the equivelent of you going to a democratic convention. Completely out of character. They had a...
I agree. Gotta give the coaches a lot of the credit here for sucking up their pride and making some changes. THe gameplan was completely...