Exactly. We only average like 45 plays per game on offense. That number should be around 60 to 70. You can't score if you dont have the ball.
The thing that really makes no sense, is how they are able to give up SO MANY yards, and SO FEW points. The thing I don't like about it is it...
Yes the contract says reasonable employment. Which means they will have to pay him at least what the last cooach made, and he will not be able...
He has never one time had a team with a third of the talent this LSU team has right now. Partly because he is not agreat recruiter. But he...
Especially when you consider whatever his new job pays him is deducted from what we owe. So say he takes a mid level job at 1 mill a year....
Thats why I like Nutt so much. He will get them to play up a level even thought they are young. He is in the top 5 of gameday coaches in the game.
The only way this passes over is if 1. something worse happens. or 2. he is fired.
He had Jimbo. They fought over control. He has Crowton, they fight over control. What makes you think there would be any difference with anyone...
Lord I hope not. Can you imagine how many time we will punt on 3rd down if he does?
If that is all we do, then we will be in the exact same position we are in today.
He was also mocked on gameday final. They did a stupid sounding voice that was answering postgame questions with "damn strong and hard fight an...
No. His own mother couldnt defend this. But he should have stood up for his players after Bama. He failed on both occasions. But this is...
Nah, I actually think it would do the Saints good to lose a couple about right now. We are hurt and statistics show teams cant run the table in...
We have been on a downword spiral since the MNC. Last season was hard to watch and this year has been even worse with the coaching miscues....
I think it was the opposite. Normally I think you would be right, but you forget about the knock on MIles that everyone seen before all of this....
The success rate for the fade to the endzone play is 11%. Just sayin.
Re: Jefferson Tried to hustle his team off the field :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
So basically he is saying its everyones fault but his.
Nope. would have resulted in a 10 second run off ending the game.
He is completeing 60% of his passes. TD to INT ratio is greta, Makes big plays when they allow him too, has greatly improved. We saw what...