Defense back too normal now We can still win this game
Weather Control HARRP
Good half
2nd half will be the same. GEAUX TIGERS!!!
I should have took LSU AND 3 TD'S MY MISTAKE
Guess we have coach o for a few more weeks good pass and catch and td
Good defense we got this game .
Good defense
Could have been caught should have bern caught
Could be a long day or after noon
One play one down
I do think LSU IS BETTER THAN VANDY I think or I hope Florida will be over looking us. LSU will score
Is that (Somkin A Turkey) why our defensive players are walking around talking to each other while the receiver gets open ?
I know you will think I am bouncing off the wall . But why not find a winning high school coach At least he will know how the young men think....
I think we may win this game The gators do not think it will be a tough game
LSU will win
The players did not play . They got mad right ?
Is it a hidden rule ?
Well how about next week ?