Here is BP's report following its investigation which I haven't read yet but intend to:...
I'm not conceding Bama will make it to the SECCG this year. We've only played one game and all teams have a ways to go. In the east this might be...
Raising some eyebrows over who in the media gets access to the Vols: Tennessee's Derek Dooley among Division I coaches on power trip - Jeff...
Vince Young finished second in the voting that year. But I agree with you, I think they ought to leave it vacant for that year. Now that I...
Nice :thumb: :grin: Greater Akron Baseball Federation
Liked what RR had to say, he's all business and thats a good thing. You could see his abilities last year now he's really going to be involved....
My wife and I were planning the menu this morning for the game.
Yep, for example Kevin Faulk and Early Doucet among many others, both played QB in high school.
Yeah, I heard he keeps it next to his soap-on-a-rope :grin:
I wonder how we'd all feel about him if Reggie didn't play for the Saints? ESPN arguing USC should pay back all the money they made off of...
If the allegations are true, more proof that the NFL is all bu$iness.
Hopefully we can continue to do this and keep the offense opened up: YouTube - Jordan Jefferson 55 yard strike to Rueben Randle
I'm very particular who I watch and LSU game with. It can be a miserable experience with the wrong crowd in attendance.
I liked it, nothing spectacular but I enjoyed enough to buy some more.
My brother in Houston and I are planning a road trip. Wonder when tickets go on sale.
Road trip!!!!!!
I don't know if this is legit but it purports to the amendment to his contract:...
On his way to the pharmacy at WalMart. [img] And I agree, JR is the bigger bust.
I tuned them out and watched the whole game last night. That was a fun game to watch. This week will be a good test for our team. Coulda,...