I've had them with remoulade sauce instead of mayo and enjoyed that.
correct. watch the video on the website. its pretty good.
There is an program called Calibre that can convert between almost any format. It also acts as library management system so can connect your...
I've heard nothing good about the standing room only. There is a reason they are so cheap. Basically, if you are not at the front, you cant see...
Does anyone know if 190 is open all the way to I-49? I have to drive to Dallas today.
No I think Red was mistaken. In Desert Storm Saudi Arabia provided free chocolate milk and pudding for the entire coalition. Oil was shipped in.
Fuzzy's Taco. Just opened in BR. There is one a mile from my house in Dallas and now one right by our apartment in BR. :thumb:
I believe the government should raise taxes on minorities, women, and everyone making more or less than I do.
That's a good list. All places I'd like to go. As much as I travel I never get to go to any cool places like these. Y'all can have your NYC and...
That's what she said
I just goggled storing coke out of curiosity and found this. LMAO Storing - Cocaine Storage and Shelf-life - Drugs Forum This just goes to...
To me that is exactly the kind of statement you make when you are innocent. Completely opposite of all Cam Newton's double talk and non-committal...
Although if you don't do coke, and can hold on to it, then this might not be a bad investment. Cocaine should fetch a handsome price in the...
Best thing to do is go by stuff. Houses, cars, boats, guns, TVs, whatever. Run up as much debt as possible. Then, once the treasury bankrupts...
I think this is those things used to be dealt with everywhere and I think it's exactly how it should be handled.
Kauai Destin Gruene, TX New Orleans Seattle
It's just a really dumb thing to do. It's not like a random guy giving a kid $500 is going to get him to LSU anyway. Those kids just take the...
A bunch of us tried to get a suite but it fell through. I would wait on tickets. At last years Cowboy Classic (Oregon State Vs TCU) they...
I think he might me leaving. I saw him out in Dallas last weekend. He was banging a Cowboys cheerleader right in the bar while high-fiving Jerry...
Zach Mettenberger tosses 2 TDs in LSU scrimmage | Shreveporttimes | shreveporttimes.com I think the bigger standout in the article is James Wright.