It's more than about things at the Capitol, you ridiculous moron.
You're very creepy.
He didn't just SAY things, you moron... he DID things illegally. Bill Barr, trump's own AG, laughs at people such as you, just as I laugh at...
Which is why, I guess, the judge in the case set a court date... so that she can proclaim with LIVE DRAMA that everybody gathered and all the...
As of June 2023 the New England Journal of Medicine... you know, the most respected medical journal in the world, plainly declares "Of the three...
For those unable to read the Bloomberg article behind a paywall, trump is asking the court to deny discovery to Michael Cohen because some of...
A great thing about this case: Carroll's already been awarded $5 million of her rapist's money, and because he's too damn stupid to keep his...
You've been answered the same question many times now, you relentless liar. The jury didn't vote no rape, they voted that Carroll hadn't proven...
Even though you know jack shit about the origin of the virus you've accused Dr. Fauci of endlessly lying about the matter. "I promise you" from...
Which would have zero to do with Ms. Carroll's encounter with your rapist hero, you hopeless racist rapist sympathizer.
Oh yeah? What do you suppose the DOJ/FBI is afraid of discovering? And why would you suppose that same information won't be discovered under the...
So, their interrogation of Hunter's business associate this week was a giant FLOP. Of course, that didn't prevent them from going on Fox and...
The accusers called the Sec's of State in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. to overthrow their legal elections? You've got a link for that?
Do you feel like the walls are closing in on YOU? Because your need to distract from current events is absolutely pathetic. Pathological, even....
You are absolutely pathetic.
And now BOOM. Of course my guarantee was correct. The four felony charges were about crimes much broader than just his January 6 speech......
Nobody here has defended Biden for molesting his own daughter because we have had no need to do so. He never did that, nor did she claim he ever...
No, you dishonest racist jackass. Your claim was that she claimed they "fucked". She made no such claim. Managing to get your toadstool past a...
No she didn't, you relentless liar.
He did more than just "force himself on a woman".... he forced himself INTO a woman with his finger... that's RAPE by the Federal definition of...