I would like Miles with the crystal and Snyder with the Robinson.
I for one appreciate the positive outlook. Let's celebrate! WE ARE THE SEC CHAMPS AND UNDEFEATED!!!!! GEAUX CELEBRATE
As stated in the other thread, he is a Jedi.
He is an SEC coach and thus showed respect to the SEC. And he did not want to vote in a way that would manipulate anything in his team's favor,...
Auburn, dirty play Bama, sense of entitlement USC, they ignore losses to bad teams and still say they are great Arky, they brag but have...
Yes. I speak from experience. And in case you were wondering, I am not underpaid either. Don't buy into the hype. :)
I am glad they are not going to give it to a gump running back when another back had much better numbers.
No. But I honestly do believe that after we beat them, those star Juniors will be so sick of hearing him yell that they will opt for the draft....
Big congrats to our next NFL star rookie. Just think, he could get drafted by Arizona and play with PP! (they need to quit winning though, because...
Under no circumstances will they allow logic and facts to be used in their decision making! Please stop posting them, as we do not want the...
I liked it. It's not like MTV is going to play it, but I thought it was cool. I mean, why "hate" on Tiger fans?
I hope LSU anf okst both win by 40. Proves we are best and bama did not belong.
Hold Richardson to under 100 again and get two TO's. We win!
An LSU win is the only thing that will save the BCS. Hey, the BCS has been good to LSU. Let's just help them out and beat the illegitimate...
NO! And I copywrited it. I expect to be a millionaire any day now.
Yes. It is looking really bad for them, assuming their 2 juniors go out. They are losing their OC, too. All that offensive talent and they have no...
Well, as long as he can pass us another Crystal, I will be happy!
I guess "LSU beats Bama again and proves that the BCS cheated America out of an exciting match-up between the champions of the two best...
Oh, I am with ya. I should have said the premier program of the BCS era! One more win will stop all arguments. GEAUX UNDEFEATED!!!!!!!!