EXCUSE ME.....there are a FEW teams,currently in the SEC that would not draw national attention...regretfully.
sorry, I can't hear you..
if you push your Ford too hard, you can Ware it out....could not resist...ha
But you need to look into hiring the Ole Miss team doctors....we had a guy get hit and he fumbled.....hurt terribly bad....had to put an air boot...
you guys have the players....you have the money.....with such goes many privileges....you need to hire the Ole Miss doctor, who takes care of our...
All that was needed....
I saw a BLACK BEAR on the sidelines. He/she was cuddled up to some young kids. He/she looked more violent than the old Col Reb. GOT A LOT OF OM...
Am I allowed to say, "black, soft, cuddly, illiterate, and rejects from other schools." If I am not supposed to say that..........omit this..:rofl:
Just think about all J. Lee went through...knowing he could have left and played for MANY college teams...but he "luved" him some LSU....with the...
You guys just beat the number three team in the nation by three touchdowns. Yet, I see where so many are not happy with the production on this...
Have any of you thought about how very fortunate you are that JL loves LSU so much that he stayed, knowing he may never start again....with this...
When do we start?
If that got your goat.......Dear COTiger...you were great last year...I know I appreciate your dedication...wish we had one for us.... HA HA
did I miss it, or is there not going to be a competition between us this year? LSU DAD....see what all that winning does to your competition? I...
You da man....and thanks
the hell with sports....hope you can be comfortable somehow coach Krag...just an ole Reb supporting ya.
remind not to go to a MSU game
Bruce kicked out of the "Pearly Gates..." Did not know that could happen.......HA
Want to be taken seriously......16/16 is not 31 games
Last night, OM called off a "basketball" game due to rain. The "dump" they play in had rain problems.