Whoa! They let you do that?
Current weather here in Baton Rouge: "I want my Mommy"
A virtual hole in one.
You're interrupting my bait 'n switch maneuver on the Gump. :lol:
There's always the golf team.
14-0 would be better.
There's a whole lot of talk right now about the Pac 10 expanding by inviting six Big 12 teams. Wow.
Someone else may be having the problem too. Kinda like you can mark forums read and I can't. Must be part of the new forum enhancement package! :D ;)
Lets hope it's Auburn. :thumb:
So you're saying it's even more of a success!? Did it with half the money! :D
I do not have to prove anything to anyone. Also, I have not pledged my support of anyone. You are the one who wanted proof of something. So, you...