The feds have stopped the sand berm project. A response to the ruling against the moratorium? Or coincidence? Federal Gov't Halts Sand Berm...
oh my god!!!!!!
Well, that was an amazing goal. or not....
What we will end up with is a defacto moratorium where the oil companies are still reluctant to proceed with business. :(
What really bothers me is that people seem to have an inherent need to identify one another as liberal or conservative. I rarely, if ever, think...
It's pretty obvious who's acting childish here. Now back to the thread topic.
This company is back in the news today and in a good way! They're getting some government recognition. LS9 Wins Presidential Green Chemistry...
I have heard similar things as well. Then there is a captain we went out with in May. He has been contemplating his future in the industry....
He raises a good question though. Are there other fisheries outside of the affected areas? If so, are they comparable to those the fisherman...
Every so often you forget about your SEC vs. other conferences agenda. It reminds me of why you're great to have around. :)
You better share!
Taking your e-bully skills to another level. Nicely done.
You're a better e-bully than me, yes. I give you full credit. You can cast the moron and idiot text insults as good as anyone. Congratulations...
When you say he may as well be smoking pot somewhere, that indicates that as far as you are concerned he is powerless to do anything. Oh no!...
Well, I would certainly expect you to have a strong opinion. Now I'll go cry in a corner over your latest comments.
False. You compared him to a cheerleader and argued that he has no real authority to do anything.
@Blue TurboDog:Th*anky*oufor*po*stin*gthi*sinfor*ma*tio*nfor*u*s*!
Saw an interview with him. He says that he volunteered himself for the assignment. Brave indeed.
What was the official explanation for not allowing that late goal by the US?