But then you've got to contend with him lining up in the slot or at wideout and catching the ball on you (which he does as well as, if not better...
It's funny how time changes perspective. I can remember a time not so terribly long ago when we were tickled silly to be getting an invite to play...
For all you guys out there barking about how poorly LSU played against Arkansas, bear two little things in mind: 1. Ninth straight week playing...
I've never exactly gotten the impression that Ed Orgeron is the brightest crayon in the box. His act is going to wear pretty thin at Ole Miss PDQ.
Good God....Red quoting Spiro T. Agnew. I need a drink. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
I have but one word for you, AuNuma: DOINGGG!!!! (that's the sound of a kicked football hitting an upright). Dismissed.
And the same could be said for Auburn's loss to LSU. Using that kind of logic, Auburn's coaching staff lost that game before the season even...
The Coach of the Year award has absolutely nothing to do with whose talent you win with. It's what you do with that talent that counts.
I was screaming at the TV set on that one. That 'Bama lineman literally grabbed and locked up Williams' arm as he went by him.
Dreaming of Roses? Better go to Billy Heroman's then, because Texas and USC ain't gonna lose before the Rose Bowl. Sorry.
Hurricanes bring out the most idiotic people.
Thanks, Rex.
Not too shabby a way to pay for dental school if you ask me.
This bastard got really big and powerful, really quick. Ordinarily, people have a little more lead time than this. As recently as around noon...
Screw the Mets. F**k w/ my beliefs, I'll f**k with yours. Fair enough? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
You're splitting hairs here, my friend. You know good and well what I meant. Besides, don't you know what a Mustang is? There are a few of those,...
Before you go espousing conspiracy theories about what happened, Red, understand that members of the Joint Chiefs serve in their positions for a...
Yes, socially. Not enough to get wasted or anything, just enough to obtain a nice sense of well-being.