My favorites:
As far as you know. :yelwink2: And if Karl Rove is cleared, then he's not a crook either, right? :yelwink2: Actually, if Karl Rove is...
And they'll beat at least one of those teams, too. Bet on it. They always do.
Maybe the real problem w/ issue X is that nobody can even put a real name on it. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
OK, then let's see this long list of dirty tricks you can pin on Rove, Red...dirty tricks that you can actually substantiate as coming from...
Quotes from James Carville (also taken from Wikipedia): "When your opponent is drowning, throw the son of a bitch an anvil." "We didn't...
Give me a break, Red. You make it sound like Karl Rove originated the concept of ruthless. Ever hear the names Carville or Begala? Carville makes...
As soon as an RPG or gunfire comes from a mosque, it should cease being regarded as a place of worship, and instead, be regarded as a...
God, I hope you don't have a kid. We'll see him on the news one day atop the State Capitol with a sniper rifle.
And then there was Oregon State’s Alexis Serna in the 2004 opener. He’s probably the most tragic case. Here’s a freshman kicker in his first...
Magic or not, belief or non-belief, in human terms, the violence is still unacceptable.
I don't know, martin...who?
It's been done to death, I know, but the PC approach isn't working. These people understand one thing, and one thing only: violence. Lebanese...
Actually, this entire board is all about voicing opinions. You voice YOUR opinion, and we voice OUR opinions ABOUT your opinion. See how it...
I'm pretty sure it works that way on all of 1210's programming...these guys are independent contractors who have to get their own sponsors. That's...
I'm still having a hard time figuring out how this kid gets his own radio show. Just goes to show the pathetic state of sports talk radio in this...
Do you lurk around waiting for a loss just so you can bash Brady? Pathetic.
I tend to agree. We're going to win games with or without this kid.
That certainly explains quite a bit. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Was that when Forrest Gump mooned him? I loved that. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: