More likely, THIS guy...
We'd better pull this one out, otherwise LSUGopher will want Pokey's head on a silver platter.
Let it go, man. This LSUGopher character is obviously somebody who has so much invested in how well 18-22 year olds perform on a playing field, he...
I think the guy would have to offer to contribute first, Col Reb.
When Billy Cannon was at LSU, he was described as "either the strongest sprinter or the fastest shotputter in the nation". With track credentials...
You're welcome, Captain OBLIVIOUS.
Yeah, right. Easy to say now that you're pinned into a corner and finding out that you can't have it both ways. Well, it may not have been...
And why don't you just answer the question? Yet, by your own admission, on another thread, we can't win games on talent alone. Therefore, by...
Point being, if you're going to call somebody out for posting something you think is out of line, don't engage in the same practice. I would think...
Incidentally, why can't you answer my earlier question? Let me refresh your memory: Yet, by your own admission, on another thread, we can't win...
BTW, I don't see a denial from you that you are TE. Just more muckraking.
That's pretty funny coming from a guy who just posted THIS to SabanFan on another thread: "Nice shows that you are truly an a-hole. Good Post."...
And if that evidence just happened to include a few packing boxes full of Rose Law Firm billing documents locked neatly away for 2 years in...
I'm like another poster...I think it's TigerEducated come back under another name. My only reservation on that is that LSUGopher doesn't seem to...
Yet, by your own admission, on another thread, we can't win games on talent alone. Therefore, by logical implication, some of the credit for our...
Do you ever post after a win? Just curious.
That's right. So using your own rationale, Brady deserves some credit for the 16 wins we do have already. Dismissed.
I didn't hear anybody call you an idiot. However, since YOU brought it up.... :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
I believe he was an OT in high school. Pretty good one, too.