Agreed. Gumps 34 Gayturds 17
From henceforth, he shall be known as, "El douche." That is all.
One of my favorite Hawthorne liners: the wobbly spiral. What the hell is that?
Miles as a coach is also pretty damn awesome. Demands excellence from his players and coaches them to dominate and beat opponent in every facet of...
As a coach, Saban is pretty damn awesome. He's intense, fiery, demands excellence from his players for every second of the 60 minutes they are out...
Just call me Hawthorne. Big ass spelling mistake, illogical spatial comparison and an otherwise incoherent rambling. I'm ready for the radio booth.
This game will always hold special memories for me. I was on the sidelines, about 10 feet from where Henderson first caught it. My jaw has never...
Being told you are not good enough to be in a league with Ole Piss.
Not a fan of this at all. I feel like the SEC brand is now much weaker.
What are our chances with the Green-Beckham kid? Has LSU listed on rivals, but do we have a realistic shot?
What do you expect from a bunch of hillbillies? They ain't much on fancy book learnin'
As I said on a previous thread, I think we've seen the last of Jordan Jefferson on the field for LSU. You can debate if that's fair to him or not...
Fine . . . then Eric Reid. Love his imposing stature in the secondary, along with the other badass mofos we have back there.
Very interesting. It could look something like this: Southwest LSU Arkansas TCU aTM Southeast Alabama Auburn Florida South Carolina...
Must just be a trait of all defensive coordinators who helped win :crystal: at LSU.
Since the 16-team mega conferences appear inevitable in the next few years, who does the SEC add to go with A&M? We shouldn't have to settle for...
Journalism 101: the word allegedly is your friend when dealing with any type of crime story, even more so in sports nowadays. Having done what...
Aside from the paragraph-less shouting, I don't care for the thread title too much. I'm content with letting Lee manage this team and Mettenberger...