Regardless of their performance against Ole Piss. Glenn strikes again. He think he plans to vote LSU 120th out of 119....
Are you counting games he coached at OSU? Cause Les has only lost 4 games as LSU head coach. And if you are counting OSU, stop, that's...
Couple of comments: 1) To the folks saying "it's the coaches fault for not preparing the players": when you got a D in school was it the...
Just a quick reminder of the last time LSU had effectively this schedule: 2004 LSU Football Schedule Now I don't specifically recall the...
Re: If we lose and the offensive game plan is the same as the Auburn game, angry, or <sarcasm> Dude totally! I sure wish we had gotten rid of...
Sorry, Captain Obvious totally struck on that one. [IMG] Honestly I think Tony would make for a marked improvement over Toonces. [IMG]
That's a reversed purple and yellow Cincinnati Bengals logo. [IMG]
It's specifically about Miami, but has some LSU player quotes. Most importantly it should serve as a reminder to people who get so caught up in...
Not the change the subject of the thread, but I wholeheartedly agree with this one. I still think back to the SECCG last year.. Steltz got beat...
Look, if GG had written this: Then we could all say, yes, the purple-tinted glasses are on. But with what he's written, I think you could... 6. Les Miles, LSU: He did a very good job last season, but it could have...
From a strict "under-the-radar" point of view, I wouldn't consider it totally unexpected if any of the players mentioned ended up All-SEC aside...
Re: TE Russian signs with LSU Not to be a stickler for details, but let's not call this a "signing" until the dude has actually signed something.
I don't have an Insider membership.. I'm curious to know if/where JR is ranked. Could someone with a membership let us know?...
He sat out in 03. We just didn't play UT that year.. in fact, i think that infamous game this past year was the only game he played in against us.
Hmm, seems that I touched a nerve with a lot of folks regarding the Brando comments. I honestly don't know nearly as much about the guy as most...
The sad part about this is that, even though it is a fake, it is a BELIEVABLE fake. I really wouldn't have been surprised if it was real.
Not that it's a foregone conclusion, but right now I think the smart money says that Perrilloux will still be 3rd on the depth chart once the...
Well he can be pro-LSU in this particular scenario because the rest of the world is too. When LSU is a national darling Brando can join in...
Well we obviously haven't seen things the same way. I find that he feels the need to distance himself from LSU as much as possible when talking...