In addition to that... There had been four matchups of 300-game winners in the modern era, all between June 28, 1986, and Aug. 4, 1987, all...
August 4, 1987 @ Anaheim (Angels won 12-3) Don Sutton - Angels Steve Carlton -Twins
Heard 30 people were injured at Busch Stadium when the storms passed through prior to tonight's game....
Clemens 6 IP, 3 Hits, 0 ER, 1 BB, 5 Ks Maddux 7 IP, 7 Hits, 3 ER, 0 BB, 3 Ks
It will be quite some time (if any) you see two 300-game winners face each other again besides Clemens/Maddux.
The Sox won another 1-0 game today. Last time was the Sox won back-to-back 1-0 games was on Aug. 26-27, 1990 against the Blue Jays. Also the Sox...
Andruw hit another HR. 5-for-5, 6 RBIs. 14-5
13-5 Villarreal now in...
I think he'll let him go 6.
Chipper and McCann hits a HR. Braves making it look like BP. 13-1. Saw the Sox game as well. Lester was ON tonight. 8 IP, 1-hitter. Pap gets...
..and LaRoche goes yard. Andruw almost hit one out again. Now 8-0 Top 4th
Braves now up 5-0 in the 2nd
[IMG] Last night was Papi's 6th career SB and only his 2nd with the Sox. What was funny he actually let up while running and still made it....