Looks we all all agree on this one... I'm not sure how Ripken got more votes than Gywnn (not to say one is better than the other), and I'm...
Ripken 98.5% (3rd highest) :thumb: Gwynn 97.6% :thumb: ------------75%------------- Gossage 71.2% Rice 63.5% Dawson 56.7%...
Hey the Gators are not allowed to score right now. Fox is going to get upset. :po:
Yea #8, oh he didn't mean to do that did he?
The Loretta deal was under the radar. Didn't hear about any rumors w/ him and the Stros. The guy is a contact hitter which we don't have a lot of...
Stros To Get Loretta http://houston.astros.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/news/article.jsp?ymd=20070104&content_id=1772763&vkey=news_hou&fext=.jsp&c_id=hou...
Count'em ND... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 straight bowl loses! :rofl:
What was the penalty when Trindon got horse-collared?
Re: Silver & Black? Meaning not many that I have seen. #1 arm.
Silver & Black? No doubt. Who else in the NFL can simply out throw him? Not many.
LSU 34 ND 14 3rd Q Damn JR makes throwing the ball 50yds look so easy. Hey someone go interview the DB and ask him what he feels like right...
Getting a little sick of it.
LSU 27 ND 14 3rd Q Not scoring TDs like I thought we would, but at least we're not leaving points on the field.
LSU 21 ND 14 Half Walker is 18/127 yds in the 1st half alone. We have rushed only 11 times, but have 76 yds.
LSU 21 ND 14 2nd Q JR for the TD! Way to answer back. If he would have run the boot and not have tried to force one in there, he would have...
Zenon again! You da man.!!! Take that refs!
WTF??? Terry makes a good point you can see his arm is UNDER the freakin ball. There was that much "evidence" to overturn the call? No way.
Great pic. Stops ND gaining confidence. Now, if we have an 8 min TD drive going into the half...
Another facemask penalty :angry: #3 Walker has over 60 yds so far. 5.5/carry.
We'll take that. Can't make any more turnovers and just hand them the game. That's the only way ND can win.