You are wrong with one thing, LSU will be the 2004 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS, not 2003...
He actually has a lot more tickets than that. He also sold 4 Suites at a staggering price of $100K per, he got those for $25K a piece. That's a...
In this picture she had little boobies
This is what it's all about, all the players in the past that have contributed to the success of our overall program. Rohan is the "posterboy" for...
That is the job of those two clown's, to get clown's like us talking about what those clown's said so us clown's can post it on the internet and...
I laughed...
The Sooners must be staying at the Hilton by the Riverfront...
The Sooners will be intimidated! Betcha!
I previously reported on Thanksgiving Saban was seriously considering an offer from the Atlanta Falcons. I heard yesterday the deal is for five...
I heard mention of West Virginia...good solid program
Here's what I thimk with regards to why Herbstreit talks up the Trojans. You would think being an ESPN dude and with ESPN doing a ton of LSU and...
Have not heard anything else, hopefully it will be just that, a rumor... my nephew will see this strengh and conditioning coach over Xmas at his...
As the week drags on to Saturday I keep wishing it could go a bit faster so we can get to the game and finally get the answers to all these BCS...
The guy is playing y'all...probably a Miss St fan with that grammer!
SouthPark, Eh??? Where in Pa. is that? Near Omaha?
Are we in good shape with these new numbers out?
Crazy...this is our shot. To have such a magical season and to not be rewarded at the end of the season to have a chance to win the biggest prize...