Go to's free registration...type in "LSU Band" and you'll have approx 25 songs to choose from
Cool Image
We just need Hill now...
I'm sorry, meant Randall...
Who knows, may be a Saint...poor bastard
Neg...hopefully Spears and Hill stays and with Webster staying we will still have the country's best D
Russell has to be the front runner because of experience...
Still waiting for his announcement
Guess he figured he was leaving regardless so why not see what happens during the draft...
*Warren Morris' Home Run to win the World Series. *Cresse's winning Championship game hit. *Hodson to Fuller in the earthquake game. just a few...
Some of the biggest Tiger fans I know never went to LSU, never even grew up in Louisiana and never lived in Louisiana...being a fan of LSU sports...
I feel like thirty dudes just beat the shit out of me...I will take weeks to get my body back to normal with all the drinking and then the stress...
Bengal B...LOL
This is THE Championship game, not just "A" Championship game...there was no other championship game.
Elvis will be performing
Very the end of the game between USC and Michigan, the Trojans were holding up only one trophy, the ROSE BOWL trophy. At the end...
USC fans do suck...they only had 65K for their final game versus Oregon State in a stadium that could hold up to 105K...dirty bastards
I'm sorry, running "through" a couple of tackles...