Well here is a clue!:yelwink2: the 2007 team was mostly coached and developed by Les. Saban mainly recruited part of the players.:yelwink2: How do...
Like our fans, for ever and ever, or maybe we should fire the fans and the coach and just keep the players because they'll leave in four years...
You need to just stop and think. Everyone wants to act like their plugged in. Have you ever been on a team? Was your kid ever on a team? Team...
I don't believe that. Les loves his team! That's what fans don't get! At any level it is about the team, and fans are not a part of the team....
When boosters run your program your in a whole lot of frap. This guy bailed on a Team that is 7 & 1? That should tell you something about him. If...
I would have been insulted if the reaction was no big deal to this game. Winning this game meant a lot to them as it would have for us. They...
This is what it is suppose to be. When the game that eventually became baseball turn up on the battle fields of the civil war. it was to breath...
Les knows this that is why they are trying to bring in the former Georgia QB. If one of our qb's don't step up that guy could be our Cam Newton.
The starter of the game first name will start with a "J"
Not saying just saying; The Arburn Defense will dictate who starts. How about this, both qb's having a lights out game would be nice, but I'll...
It helps especially against option offences. Not everyone runs them the same, each team has sort of a signature.
WVA, NC, Florida are very good teams, don't kid yourself. Last time I checked we won. You could argue that our schedule has been tougher than...
Disagree on the play making you could say advantage Patrick Peterson. I don't know what Arburn giveaway /takeaway ratio is.
If our Defense and their Offense cancel out, I the our "O" is better than their "D" and our "ST" are better than theirs. Personly I, don't think...
Ever hear of a champion who one with just offence. Luck is for the offence, on defense you have to flat out play, because you don't know wher the...
It's not the Swamp. One trick pony is not enough!! Our offense has a bunch of guys that are due for big games. Saints Ivory took a few games to...
1)How about LSU gets it first and JJ goes deep to Toliver on first play. 2)How about LSU gets it first and Lee calls draw to Ridley 3) or Arburn...
Tiger Defense!
Thats the point, It is not by chance that both Bama and the Tigers scheduled a bye that week, because of that it makes this game even more...
I still say I think Miles is setting up a poker hand. Auburn will set the defense by who is in the game. What I think will happen is who ever is...