I agree...Freedom of Speech is as misunderstood as Seperation of Church and State:thumb:
This could easily turn into a thread where people post pics of Fans in/at famous points of interest.
i got the munchies
maybe that's why it wont show up:wink:
This is how i get on the nerves of all the DAWG fans where i live.
He'll be hiking while his wife follows him in the truck, i guess.
except a very wet surface.:rofl:
You'd think some of the largest cable providers (Bellsouth, Comcast) would support ESPN360, but Noooooo.
Yeah...if we didnt have so much depth in the QB position, I'd be freakin out.
Re: Gameday parking/tailgating Yes...but f you think you'll just show up a couple hours before the game, think twice, unless you can create a...
Headline..."Glenn Dorsey saves Shaq from Tree" That was bad wasnt it?:(
Sounds alot like what Corso said about VT:rofl:
I bought visitor tickets to the game and sat right in the middle of all the orange and maroon in the Upper East. Some of the Classiest Fans Ever...
Please No
that is up there...i had a friend once describe those seats as "...up there with baby Jesus."
I'm at 641 BB for the VT game...face value is $45...BB, i will assume is 28 rows up.
I'm making the drive down for the game from Atlanta..411 on MS Gulf Coast would be nice:)
man i miss Jimbo
Just got my 48" LG LCD for $998 I never knew what i was missin' Siked about my 1st game in HD