Someone would have to sit by themselves.:shock:
Sorry ATLBEN but this one deserves four ????
i feel better already:wink:
Herbstriet just said Kentucky beat an LSU team at its best. 7 drops by Lafell 1 dropped TD by the TE 1 PF penalty in overtime Many many...
i'm with you...where's the "Official LSU vs Auburn Thread"?
I turned the channel when he said "L. eshtthsss. U."
Great Video...."Hush little baby..":rofl:
Nope..that was behind Bon Marche'...this one was behind Cortana.
Quick...before this thread gets hijacked...what was the name of the club?
video reminds me of that dance club behind Cortana in '87...hmm, brings back memories.
Only 10?:shock:
yes..and then we did an onside kick and recovered. We took them totally off-guard. It set the tone for a very big win.
CLM has a set of nads the size of a Gorilla with a chainsaw for a p-nis.:hihi:
Good Morning and welcome to the Forum. Hope to see you in Atlanta:thumb:
That one's just too easy.
Have you tried the Depeaux yet, Is it any good? I'm still looking for a good Cajun Restaraunt in the Atl area.
As if you didnt get enough ribbing from Dawg fans at you're going to their Turf. I cant walk anywhere in ATL in my P&G without being...
If it's any indication, I saw it here in Metro Atlanta.
Anyone have a link to the Tiger Tailgating Commercial? I saw the tail end of it a couple of days ago and havnt seen it since.
Please tell me this a joke...someone Photoshopped this, right.