I'm convinced that this whole thing is a game. The liberals have some sort of point system that they use - if you get a certain number of people...
What an absolute insult to your "buds." They just stand around in the sand protecting Bush's interests, right? I say they are risking their...
Afghanistan is a very rugged country - dropping troops into the frigid mountains to look for a rat in a hole is insane. Beyond that, Afghanistan...
Dude, liberals get offended when they look in the mirror in the morning - the sunlight offends them when they walk outside. Being offended is the...
I just never understood the Oil argument - can one of you liberals actually break it down for me - and not in lefty talking points... What is...
Are you serious? Still with the oil thing? Unbelievable... The bottom line is this: The fundamental difference between American Liberals...
Yeah, awesome plan, Cobra Commander - we could fly around the planet looking for guys with Terrorist patches on their jackets and take them out.
No, but the bad guys have been. Get on your knees and be thankful...
You don't want none of this - karma is a real bitch...
If you want to protect Americans, vote Republican and Support the Troops. It's just that simple...
It's gut check time for the British Gov't - the population will likely continue their Anti-American, Anti-Bush ranting and negative media slant....
1. Flynn will not transfer for any reason. 2. LSU may never have a better physical specimen at QB than JaMarcus Russell... ever. 3. No QB...
Have you ever seen someone get hit by a car, witnessed an auto accident, or seen someone get hit by a baseball or a flying object while they're...
OK, good. I knew we were going to open up the offense, but 15 attempts each per game would certainly result in some serious Alley Broussard...
15 attempts per game? Each?
The breakdown in the Auburn game cost us overtime, not a victory.
Can't Perrilloux play against N. Texas and still redshirt?
Did Texas attend the "optional" trophy ceremony this time? Screw Texas.
I love emotional sex!
Unavoidable? He put his elbows into that catcher's chest plate. How is that an attempt to slide or avoid a collision? Maybe he's...