1. If he wants in at UNC he's getting a spot - not even negotiable. 2. You may never find written proof of MJ praising Maravich, but I know for...
Call me a crackhead, but I say LSU can get this kid to show interest if he turns out to have D-1 skills... Think about it, if he really wants...
I was simply quoting from the article. Shaq is one of my favorite humans on the planet. He is one of those guys who, if your TV is on mute and...
Better / Higher Education = Better Job Better Job = Better Pay Better Pay = Hotter Women / Mating Opportunities with Hotter Women It's...
I just can't ever get enough of Shaq... Shaq returns to L.A., tweaks rookie Bynum Shaquille O'Neal returned to Los Angeles recently with...
They were on the ropes several times and they were within a play or two of being eliminated from the NC hunt, but they got it done. Then, they...
Was I the only one who caught the Orange Bowl? That team was Championship quality regardless of who they did and did not play - I expect much...
Tino, Any truth to the whispers that Amp is having his knee drained constantly? Is it a problem (if in fact they are draining it often)?...
All clear now - I had trouble catching your tone. I agree with you. You should post more often...
I need a damn translator for these cats who never post - can someone explain to me what this guy is saying?
Personally, I'm thoroughly disgusted with Chase Pittman regardless of the details - anything short of this guy pointing a scud missle at Chase's...
ESPN has picked it up: Link
I agree with what you are saying, but from my standpoint Chase is in a serious situation because this is an eyewitness disaster. It really...
What is your point?
That's not a reach, that's more like a reach around...
Any word on what condition her honor is in?
I have a distaste for the liberal left. So what? Why do you think that prevents me from rising above it in times of despair? Yes, I have...
In this case it appears as though the guy making snow angels in the concrete with blood coming out of his ears just might be the vulnerable party....
If even 1/3 of this is true, Chase will have no case and is off-base. This indicates a bully and liability to this football team (if the above is...
Leave it to Beaver! Is it at all possible that the woman invited the man to grope her and then went and got Chase? No woman is capable of...