Let me tell you something and you listen good b/c I aint going to repeat my self; LSU has the toughest road schedule in the country this year. How...
Don't worry a team like Bama will seed it's self out. LSU will be AU #1 rival only b/c Bama sucks and LSU is a good team.
I enjoyed your response to this thread. I think it is time for me to lift your probation and change my location. You know what your doing? You’re...
Bama fans should riot in the woods and burn down Birmingham. That is the biggest joke of a football schedule I have ever seen in my life. Old Miss...
Perrilloux entered in the fourth series of the scrimmage and immediately drove the Tigers down the field for a 65-yard drive, culminating with a...
They made Dwayne Bowe look like the next Randy Moss. Not to mention they gave up over 300 yards passing in the spring game. I know we have a few...
I was watching cold pizza the other day and the guy that sits on the left said that TTIme was yelling at Brady in his face. Did anyone see or hear...
Are you serious? I think he is making more now then at any point in his entire life.
Some times when they aren’t looking I will jump up and grab the net w/two hands then pull my self up then grab the rim and pull it down then let...
Dude don't be scared to take off your shirt when you play. You might have to wax your back but trust me it will add 10 points and 5 rebounds to...
Why don’t you stop being a coward white boy? You people make me sick and are a disgrace to the white race punk. You would probably watch a white...
Trudat you don't want to get him any more trouble then he is. Next time stair at him in the eyes when you have the ball and give him a head nod...
Any chance that 50$foodstamp ever sold crack at least one time in his life?
Sounds like you were playing the 50cent of the south known as 50$foodstamp. Did you win?
Well when you said that they looked like they were from prison I just guessed black knowing that 80% of most jailhouses in America are filled up...
Were the guys picking on you black or white?
Makes me wonder why SKip hired him in the first place. Didnt he come from Ulala or LaTEC? He should have gotten some one like tommy lasorda w/ a...
LSU is a powerhouse I will not repeat will not walk on eggshells when it comes to playing Fresno. I think w/the talent we have we should beat them...
ha ha ha I think he deserves a big fat rail of coke and a bottle of jack. If I were he I would be faded by now. I say we pay him year to year...