LSU won, its over, enjoy it.
What the he!! does hotty toddy mean anyway??
You better get a copy of that fight song and keep it handy. You're gonna need it next year too. p.s. Fight for your mascot man. What those...
I do not see Nick leaving for the NFL at this point. Maybe someday he will step down a notch and test the NFL waters, but it will not be any time...
Damn work! see that's the problem with my career, I keep missing out! Take it it was BS>
Just read a post on another forum about gateway offering a total of 20 mil isn schaolarships and sponsoring the game if LSU,USC and the NCAA agree...
OH NO! Not the dreaded boot! Whatever for my good man?:shock:
BB, you and I have gotta have a beer together one day! We could talk about trains and trucks and momma and gettin drunk.
Good point Buck. The bottom line is that no matter how much the BCS is tweaked, there is always a probability for another fiasco. The only way...
The support SEC fans have shown our Tigers this bowl season has been unbelievable. Thanks for the love!! Congratulaions to all the SEC teams...