I can give you a list of other forums, al.com is so sporadicly moderated that it's ridiculous. I haven't gone to al.com in a year. Alot of those...
Everyone in the SEC still overlooks USC <-- ours , they are on the verge of bringing it to us all. Next year I look for them to be in contention...
I'm sad now, very very sad. Wrong coach it's Pellini, isn't Penelli one of those french drivers in Indy, I know it's a tire. Anyhow .... sigh
Here's a funny little story for you. Not long after I moved to Concord ( Bay Area ) I came to a stop light that had an overpass directly on top...
Wonder why Alameda isn't reporting anything, anyhow.. maybe JR could turn things around for Oakland, but thats just a pit of despair IMO. hate to...
Don't kid yourself you'd be tied to the whipping post most years than not if you were in the SEC. They should go ahead and just crown the SEC...
It will lose steam no doubt, but from my viewpoint I look back a few years and remember as a youngster coming home from the game with Tennesse we...
Wow Jean where have you been hiding haven't seen you in awhile anywhere.
Well after indepth discussion with Fishhead we came to the conclusion Arkansas is in Fact... Corky from Life Goes on. It's just that McFadden...
I wouldn't say he isn't classy, it was just an odd statement, with the history between Ole Siss. You can't just wipe it under the rug and declare...
I'm Bama fan thru and thru but I went to Cal wasn't this year GRAND! :wink: Just be Glad you weren't on LSU's blip this year.
Crystal Balls ? No sharing involved in that one :bncry:
well if you're gonna count those 6 we'll count the 17 :hihi: regardless , bama has brought home more than one :wink:
Fishhead one day I hope to hate you :grin: , I just hope you don't have that grip :yelwink2:
Finebaum .... yeah .. I stopped reading and listening to him about 2 years ago. If not more.. he's what I like to call a bandwagoneer. You are not...
Seems to me the only ones offended are people who aren't or haven't been around southern La.
hrmm why not Payton, make more sense. he was more the Ambassador for N.O. than any other this year. Not that I'll be worried to much about it one...
It was miserable in just about everyway, but man there was some great banter in the mens room. lol :thumb:
Ruston population 20,665 Tuscaloosa population 81,358 not to similar, not even geographically similar.