You have every right to vent as does Florida both of whom have a helluva lot tougher schedules than USC, the bias is to much to overcome at times....
P Come talk to us when you get that quality win against a real SEC opponent .. :wink: Love
Speaking from a bayou myself and closer to BR than Tuscaloosa .. See you sumbishes come november :wink:. Roll Tide Roll :thumb:
Re: Local news reports JM done deal sorry Jamarcus
Anyone heard anything over that away, this is mobile news been spotty in the past. Can't find anything on the raiders site or espn. bah
I can't understand how USC still is first place when ya'll beat the Number 9 team in the nation and a Conference opponent. It's crazy. Anyhow
After last night I was looking through the schedule to see who might possibly give LSU a rough time, if you guys played like you did last night...
nah Louisville made them look good but Florida Atlantic made them look like who they are. the minute a real team gets a hold of Louisville it's...
Better yet how about getting beat by a team that has a video like this out
Re: You guys mights as well right the VT game off I dunno if you actually watched it, but about the only thing it could pump up is a bicycle...
There's anew motivational video out there that is sure to get these boys fired up and playing on a Super Bowl level. Bringing it to you! <- Link
I love this thread =)
No doubt still Lou holtshhhshhsh says Weis is saving the team from the media , any minusht now. it's fun just to bring it up anyway. Will be...
You didn't include Notre Damn .. they getting beat to ...:lol:
he missed the hot seat altogether and sat right in the damn frying pan.
Rofl there are horror stories about every team out there, be it the thugs from USC basically anywhere near LA or Buckeye rampaging fans...
Always trying to bring down the little guy, come on guys you gotta lettem have something. They don't have any football they gotta keep entertained...
I think it's a safe bet this was a limited playbook tonight. as for the post above that was one helluva smackdown. With Qbs on both sides of the...
I dunno how he got it then, I'll have to ask him. I didn't ask when he gave it to me didn't even know it was that new. He's an LSU fan maybe he...
This is one of ya'lls boys but I got this book from a friend who got it recently said it was a good read, I must say it really is. Especially i...