Stanley Jacobs, former LSU Board member and part of the last head coaching search (interviewed Davis and Saban) said on television tonight that...
You are right. Saban brought back the MNC, while Gerry D brought back "the Magic!" :grin:
Newsflash: Coaches lie to the media. Also, coaches manipulate people during hiring situations. Finally, pro players look out for...
I think we should all be Saban fans for life for what he did at LSU.
People's memories are too short. Look, Saban really thought long and hard about the decision before making it. He is a bit of a jerk, an ego...
Lou Holtz and Pete Carroll were "chewed up and spit out" by the NFL, yet they came back to college football to win national titles. Steve...
You assume Jimmy Johnson was clean, and Erickson came in and dirtied the program. Perhaps it was Erickson who inheirted a dirty program from a...
An Auburn fan, if he/she were being honest, would know exactly why Tuberville would come here in a second. LSU is a better program with a more...
The BCS needs more tweaking (since the $$$ involved means it will never go away). I think a BCS conference champion must be in the BCS top 12...
Yes, Pete. The teams that were number 1 and 2 all year long thanks to FREAKIN' POPULAR OPINION should be the only choice. I mean, popular opinion...
So true, so true....let's just hope VA Tech beats Auburn to put them out of their misery. :hihi:
Perhaps an Auburn loss this weekend would land them in the Cotton Bowl against Texas...just a thought.
Hate to break this to you, but that company filmed similar versions with all the other mascots in the commercial for the fans in those markets. I...
I know, I comes the Brady bashing.... I'll keep it simple...who looks like the much better coached team???
I cannot imagine that LSU won't put this game on PPV. They will make a fortune.
I think a rematch with Texas or a renewal of the old Texas A&M-Franchione rivalry would be fun. But, didn't the Cotton Bowl start a 1pm last year?...
You made one mistake in that analysis. The non-BCS leagues will never think twice about seeing one of their brethren snag a 13-15 million dollar...
Even though LSU appears to have more advantages in matchups than UGA, not having the advantage at QB makes up any advantage gained from other...
It should not have come down to a last drive with the way our defense kept stepping up big. Shuffling QBs (and therefore, shuffling gameplans)...