I like the salad bar.
And they had the power to stop it at any time. They did eventually, and are a thriving nation today, because our goal was not their total...
I say no. Our goal was not to destroy the Japanes race and inihilate their country. It was to pound them into submission, which we accomplished.
Yeah SD, sorry I helped get your thread off track. Accusing folks of promoting genocide gets me riled up a bit though. My plan, push to come...
I think he explained it already, but nowhere has he advocated deliberately killing off those populations....genocide. Unless you define...
Which is why I carefully stated: Not that I agree with him Just pointing out I don't think he favors the deaths of everyone in those three...
They ain't exactly living in downtown Manhatten as it is. Somehow I think a large number would manage to survive.
Not that I agree with him, but actually, SD isn't advocating genocide, since he would give them three days to evacuate the cities.
Nothing like getting it straight from a personal injury attorney's mouth. Interesting that he was able to plan ahead enough to record a...
The Mexican and Canadian borders are their gateway into America, the recognized symbol of the free world that threatens their power and way of...
I say just shoot they guy and cremate him. What's worse, he has now given Bennie Thompson an opportunity to be in the spotlight due to the...
Am I the only one who sees a problem with an adviser to an American commander during a time of war making such comments to the media? Either you...
vote against a bill to increase the minimum wage. I hope Al and Jesse remember that in '08.:hihi: Democratic presidential hopeful and...
Let's see, it was $2.89 here yesterday morning when I went to work. $2.99 yesterday afternoon. $2.99 again this morning, and $3.09 this...
Been trying to narrow down the tv side. Too hard to do, but my favorite current tv character has to be Crabman. [IMG]
Gotta throw in Bill Murray as Carl Spackler and Rodney Dangerfield as Al Czervick. [IMG] [IMG]
The way we would take care of the black market is to create a handful of multi-billion dollar government agencies to corruptly and inefficiently...
The biggest negative I see is all those loopholes and deductions equal some sort of investment in many instances, which creates jobs for those...
Of course we can only speculate how a "heightened alert" would have impacted the events of 9/11. It would have also been interesting to see how...