The sky is falling!!! After all the Auburn love Herbsreit picked LSU.
Re: Heirbstreit is an A$$clown. Big time selective memory. I'm not surprised about the bias. It's typical. God forbid there is some...
Auburn is the best team.. Blah, blah, blah, blah..... Geaux to Hell!! At least Corso set him straight.
An excellent story to help put a troubled season into perspective. This team is full of great young men. :geauxtige
Try here:
HA, I would hate to think we scheme around dropped passes. Now that is scary. I think we all agree mistakes hurt us badly and it's been an issue...
I agree that he seems faster on turf. I also think the mass he picked up has slown him down a bit overall. However, I think maybe his fumble...
Weren't all of our mid-range passes dropped last Friday? :shock: Sorry... couldn't resist. :geauxtige
Ouch, you are correct. I was there too, how soon I forget. Really, I thought it was the crappy weather. :yelwink2:
I'm also wondering if fatigue has any factor to the sluggish performance. The guys have played so many games in a row could a little fatigue be...
In my humnble opinion I would say that some of the play calling has been questionable but would hestitate to say Jimbo is "THE" problem. I...
HAHA..I almost spit coffee on my monitor!! I actually brought a nice Louisiana girl (my wife) up here, so I'm good.
That's an awesome story. I remember when I took my 6 yr old to his first game last year and the fans around us did the same thing. He was pumped...
Damn man. You're making me feel real bad for moving up here now. :(
Tell your friend to stop drinking!!! ;)
I'll be saying the same thing after next week when the Hogs go down. :thumb:
You're correct, it was a better game to air at the time. I'm sure they thought the TV viewers were clearing out just like the stands were in the...
That was a beautiful play. Flynn threw it perfectly. One hell of a backup QB.
I did cuss and had to apologize. :(