Re: This Sunday on FSN (tune in) bump.
That post was written in a post-loss haze of anger and depression. I will most assuredly be on the bandwagon next year. To atone for this, I...
The team with more heart and more desire won, and rightly so. When push came to shove, the Mavs showed their true colors. They were manhandled. So...
How about this one?
I downloaded ffdshow from the link posted earlier in this thread, then Windows media player worked fine for me. I had problems with frequent...
Lord have mercy...what a whipping
Not that I would know from experience...but the following might come in handy if you don't have an x264 codec installed....
As much as it pains me to say it, I have officially given up on the Rose Bowl.:cool: That being said ... GEAUX TIGERS!!! :geauxtige...
Got a little sloppy on the cut and paste, but how's this? (Guess this is better suited for the new fark forum...)
Thanks!!! It is beyond awesome to have this ... :thumb:
Found these pics on a Bama board ... scroll down a bit and you will see them. That was a low flyover!...
You're going to roll your eyes at this ... but crazy s*%& happens. I'm too lazy to look it up now, but how did we look three games out from the...
You deleted the game from your Tivo??? :shock: The humanity!! :hihi:
Any luck with HT??
I'm starting to think my prediction might be a bit off... :hihi:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes. It's AZ. 31-28 UCLA
have you checked out (razorbacks forum)
So he's (obviously?) an LSU photographer? Those pics are outstanding. Thanks for posting them.
Not that it is ANYTHING like other folks are getting, but I am about 30 min east of downtown Dallas, and we are getting some brisk winds, and have...
I actually prefer the new design. Bring on the negative rep points, baby!! :hihi: