Oh, I'll just come right out and say it: GENIUS!! This was the music that was popular on AM radio back in the day when I got my first portable...
Amazing. Thanks for posting the link. My jaw dropped when I saw that exercise with the parachutes. Incredible. I can't believe how fast he is for...
I went for Texas as well. I am deep in the heart of Big 12 country, so a win over the Longhorns would be sweet. :crystal:
When does this issue hit newsstands? I looked at two Wal-Marts today and couldn't find one, just some NASCAR-themed SI issue. :huh:
This is being rerun RIGHT NOW on FSN (Southwest for me). I assume Coach Miles is on midway through the show? Guess I'll find out...
Have you tried this? http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ :crystal:
http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=46897 In general they seem to be happy for Coach Miles and for LSU. I couldn't work up the...
Thanks for the links!! And $80 later ... Oh, my poor credit card...:hihi:
OK, I'm an idiot. Where do you order the front page posters?? I am trying to restrain myself from buying too much over the internet, if I start...
Thank you so much for this link. I watched the entire press conference. How great was the final few seconds when the camera pulls back and the...
I'm pretty sure I saw this one in the theater with my folks. Good lord, that's been a while. Is this the one with "Does your dog bite?" :grin:
You have to stick with it for at least 15 minutes. Like I said before, it takes a little while to get going...I suspect you will enjoy it. :hihi:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schadenfreude :hihi:
Young Frankenstein. 40 Year Old Virgin had me in tears multiple times. Kung Pow - Enter the Fist. Have to give it about ten minutes to get...
FANTASTIC article. The best part has to be "Because he told me". That really says it all, doesn't it? In fact ... let me adjust my sig. :grin:
So let me get this straight: If you're honest, a straight-shooter (Miles), you're an idiot. If you're a weasel (Saban, Petrino), you're a...
Back to The Sports Reporters: For a dude that writes such heartwarming novels, Mitch Albom sure seems like a Grade A tool. :crystal:
I'm too lazy to dig my copy out, but 99% sure it's standard. But on mine the audio is all wonky, hard to hear in places. I wasn't that impressed....
I had a bit of an epiphany today talking to a coworker who is an Aggie. His first remark (good-natured) was "How on earth did you guys manage to...
If anyone says they see Dennis Franchione in BR, I'm gonna have to take a long walk on a short pier. :hihi: Thanks for everything, Coach...