Hey I think that was a little mean to send, because i do think that the #1 team lost to a team that was oh wat was it # 13. WOW you have to feel...
Hahaha yah we really kicked there ass!
Fitzgerald Can still win it. He did what he was put up there for in his last game. Don't Dis Fitzgerald he's really good! Fitzgerald has a chance...
LSU 41 UGA-25
Thanks Thanks for your support!
Thanks to everyone that is sticking up for me!
No I like LSU, My cousin isnt bill gates either. I am from PA and that's how we talk. I am sorry if you don't like how I talk. I will try to...
LSU has worked hard.. they will become # 2 ...
Like me or Not ITS ME Hey all! I m from Pittsburgh PA. Now i no u may think this is weird, but i dont cheer for Pitt or Penn State. I cheer for...
Do you all just hate Eli Manning or is that just me??
Dis time Do you all just hate auburn or is it just what i thinking all in my head? Now lets c u guys DIS the teams u hate!!!
Hey does LSU hate Ole Miss soo much? whats the true story behinde it? :tigerbase
yah go LSU!!! They will win.. Sry about before..
Will Lsu Win Next game?
If pitt plays #1 team will they win? if pitt plays USC win or lose? tell me what u think n how u figure they'll win
I LOVE LSU and I hope they go all the way this year! They are the best n i LOVE MATT... GOod luck to all u guys... THANKS SOO MUCH N GOOOOOOD LUCK
Yah Matt is my hero!! Hes great I just started to like LSU when my brother started to go there n he became good friends with him.. THANKS LSU.. I...
Who do u think is going to win VA or VA tech?