from the advocate: I guess this is why he kept dropping, no one was putting up enough money to sign him.
Drew Cumberland was taken at 46. No other LSU signee's or players have been taken.
we are in round 4 now, I haven't seen chad jones called yet!
I just want to see this kid at the box next year.
There was a story in the advocate a couple months ago about Mike's old age, and him retiring pretty soon. It was definitely his time.
He also got called up today and got a double on his first major league at bat.
Not going to happen, ever.
I wonder if he is affiliated with it in someway. :dis:
I can't believe he stayed in the game. I would have been on the bench with an ice pack.
wow, what a catch. tigers win!
furbush pitched 4 innings in the first game, is he done with friday starts? He has been pretty bad lately.
9-7 and 8-3 against Southern and Nicholls St. LSU used 10 pitchers total.
I think we are in 8th place right now and 8 teams make the tourney right? So, Yes.
We aren't the only team in the SEC with top notch talent. Florida and Auburn recruit just as well as we do.
Is Alabama really that boring?
Sounds okay by me. upgrading TS bathrooms really isn't a big deal to me. Getting a new baseball stadium is much more important then both of...
yeah, all construction costs have risen since hurricane Katrina. That was almost two years ago now. Is this news to them? What the hell? They really thought they were going to build it for 25m? After all this...
I guess LSU is still paying him money since we fired him. If he was to get another job we would only pay the difference b/t his salary here and...
you have to admire his dedication. I hope he gets in finally.