hmmm... I know that players are going to get hurt, and as a player you want to inflict as much pain as possible to your opponent, but c;mon do...
one half of me wants to see LSU win at everything, but if someone gets hurt in this game.... sheesh, I don't want to think about it... the other...
does anyone hope we lose this one so that the team can rest some more?
wow. thats not very sportsmanlike. I wish no ill will to any player. these are 18-22 year old athletes. not your sworn enemy who has personally...
nor did I say you were. Do you still have HIV?
explain maybe?
Sorry man, a win is a win. You play the game to win. And as a Bama fan, you can't talk crap about another teams offense woes during a game when...
yahoo confuses me.
if anyone thinks this logo is serious, please stop posting.... now.
no ****... what gave it away? the completely RETARDED one eye look? who in their right MIND would believe ANYONE would actually like this as a...
hahahaha silly army man
L S U [IMG] I actually prefer this over toonces. That is all.
I was thinking the same thing... 9-5er is pretty normal for a civilian job. 0530-1630 is normal inport working hours for us Squids...
7-5 er .... im thinking 7am-5pm job?
for firefox?
have to agree, LSU basketball team produces better results with Benny in.
you are saying I should buy a house in japan? I doubt they would let me live there while not on military orders.
props to martin for calling out davis. but in everyone elses defense, we all kinda knew this was going to happen. what a great site, just ordered a bunch of stuff...