I'm just gonna say a lot of really bad words (go figure) if the freakin' falcons pick Landry. I want those Tiger players to do well on Sundays,...
Man, that's just stupid. Is there a Hokie boogie man under your bed? You must still be in high school. What's your beef with the Hokies?
My eyes were starting to cross. That cat had way too much time on his hands to go into that much detail. You think it was biased or what? Krikey!...
Man, that game had everything going against it, didn't it. Add to that list that the game was on TV. If you knew that the Tigers would've won,...
Oh Man! I had no idea the game would still be on. So I take back my question and pose a new one for those following the team closer than I am...
Considering TU had a 10 point margin for a while, do you think coach Jones is a bit pissed that his club walked away with only a 4 point margin?...
Don't insult me. I thought you guys had enough of that Saban stuff. Never bothered me.
Why is this even still on the board?
Wow! OK, that's motivating. I think winning that Friday game gives that team the motivational edge for the weekend. Will the Tigers win the next...
I'm surprised no one was tracking the game. Does anyone have a score? I couldn't find live game stats. Bob
I remember when Jeff Boss was ill and then passed away. That's when I realized that I knew him. He was my football coach when I was a freshman...
I take it, they lost. Wish I could get a score from lsusports.net, but to no avail. If you guys don't have a score for me, where can I find it...
Every time I see a mock draft, professional or amateur, it has LaRon Landry going to the Falcons. That would drive me batty. I hate the Falcons....
Guys, I gotta ask you, why is that (ugly) tiger called toonces? I just have no idea. Enlighten me.
I'll root for JM no matter what team he lands on (except the Falcons, as I totally despise the Dirty Birds.) I always root for former Tigers, just...
Just got online. What's the score now and what inning? Must I be a Premium subscriber to follow the game on lsusports.com? Bob Got it,...
Ohio State vs Michigan ______? % chance Ohio State vs Florida _______? % chance LSU vs Michigan _____? % chance Could the tigers end up in the...
Hey guys, A friend in Florida asked what would happen if UCLA beats USC and Florida beats Arkansas. What happens to the Tigers? What happens to...
At @ 6:00, I saw where Herbstreit projected LSU to play Wisconsin in.....I believe he said the Orange Bowl. Was this old news or what? Surely he...
Dude, what's your problem? You're the only LSU fan over there acting like a jerk. You make everyone of us look like jerks. You need to shut up....