Yea, but we'll take care of that revenge next season at Death Valley. AU will experience the true rath of the beast.
Arkansas vs. Florida Real simple question....who are we pulling for here. I'm hearing both sides.
Yup.... MODS, if you get the IP address of that person, please PM it to me. They're invading a forum that I'm a mod at, but I can never catch...
Thanks. Speaking of Little Rock, I need 2 tickets. If you have a couple and can't make it, please PM me. I'm heading up there tomorrow morning.
LOL....this looney tune comes here to put down Louisiana and its residents. Did he forget where he's from? Lawd oh lawd....poor guy. Yours is...
What's that supposed to mean? I KNOW you're not talking about what I think you're talking about :) looks like a pretty small stadium....
Ok, thanks Hawgman! I'll be there! Good Luck until Nov 24. :)
Well lad de da....I hope your team isn't looking at Tennessee as an "easy win" as you say it. If so, you're in for a loooooooong day my friend.
Does anyone know what section the visitor's section is at this facility? I'll be just west of Little Rock for Thanksgiving so we're going to go...
Looks like it may be a wet one later. Hopefully it waits till the end of the game or better yet, after the game. There's a front moving...
LSU 52 Fresno 7 (Fresno scores with 13 seconds left in the 4th when LSU lets people from the stands play defense)
My main concern is game plan. IF we CANNOT run against Florida, let's all say a prayer that the game plan will modify and open up the air attack...
....and all of a sudden, the already swollen heads of Auburn fans begin growing to unmatchable extents. Aubies....let's not forget what the true...
Ok, finally looked at the tickets...Sec 416, Row 24. I'm bringing my pops to his first game :)
Yea, I'll be in purple and gold too! LOL I can't remember my row this year. I'll look on my tickets later. What row are you on?
Ok, I'm lost.
No, nothing can be done about it now, but maybe something can be done for it to not happen in the ANY team. It sucks to matter who...
Ok, sorry...I skipped over that article in my own post :) But still it doesn't make a difference. That ball was catchable prior to the tip and...
Here's the rule: > *Illegal Contact and Pass Interference * > > *ARTICLE 8.* > a. During a down in which a legal forward pass crosses the... CANNOT have any contact with the receiver PRIOR to the ball being tipped. It doesn't say anything in the rule book about being...