I'm in favor of this move
Anybody else concerned about the lack of height at WR next year if RR leaves? The only two WR with any height are Wright and Williams and they...
Mett- won't throw enough RR-a WR who doesn't return punts in a run first offense...no TM7-he has to consistently cause turnovers, return punts for...
But we were 13-0 Special teams gave us great field position, that's why the total yds are low Am I missing anything?
Anybody see the "Will LSU make it across half-court" sign? I have to admit that was pretty funny.
Harrassing him online/in person--not fair Criticizing his play on a message board--fair I feel bad for all the sh** he has to take. I don't have...
Einstein's definition of insanity?
I'm Ron Bergundy?
and practice are really games. Don't fumble in practice!
He probably will calmn down and stay, but I will not blame him one bit if he chooses to transfer.
He could be a difference maker at RB for a team that utilizes scat backs
They're athletic. It's going to be tough.
He really was shut down
Hahahahahaha!!! It's about damn time!!!
It must be bad for you to be this critical
What similarites could you be referring to?
You're right Tap. Only JJ gets credit for wins while playing sub par football and getting saved by his teammates. Come on Red! You know the deal.
Typical Big 10 logic. It's 2012. The Rose Bowl is no longer the biggest game. There is a BCS title game which is more important..
I was fine with the offense when we had a QB that could throw the ball