Enjoying reading your posts; displaying a lot of confidence in our Tigers this year. I like it. Saturday should be fun... got the grill ready too...
I am liking the positive attitude guys. Texas has a football team... Saturday should give us all a better idea how the season is going to go.
Wow, now that is some optimism GDF! LOL Good luck to your Ducks (<<not intended to rhyme)
Great post :) Geaux Tigers! So ready for some football! Christmas lasts from September to January for me!
The second trailer from 'Rise of Skywalker' shows Rey apparently on the dark side with a bad ass double-edged light saber....
I'm in. Just put up my first picks. Good luck all!
On WBRZ: Amid flurry of chatter about Joe Alleva's exit, LSU maintains he remains employed
Good grief, you guys are still going on and on about this? LMFAO and I even posted a hot babe picture... <SMH>
How about we replace all the refs with Hooters girls? [ATTACH]
Or, be a pigeon; shit on everything.
Jerry Sullivan is retiring... LSU assistant coach Jerry Sullivan retires Wide receivers assistant coach and passing game coordinator Jerry...
Also a good point.
Jeezuz... just when you think you've heard everything. The chances of that dog stepping just right to unlock the safety and then pull the...
I agree. I like Eaux... but he does still have to earn his way to that higher pay. I think he did great this season, but if we don't see continued...
Man, I don't give a shit what the "official" result was. LSU won that game. 11-2. :D
I was one of the folks saying something like this, and I am not stupid. Looking back on the season Bama had, they DID have one of their best...
I agree. The Tigers did much better this season than even I expected; and I am probably more on the "sunshine pumper" side. Number 6 and 11-2 is a...