Nice play by Neal
I can't tell - is that #91 at DT, or #31?
Beckwith has been truly disappointing this year
No one n the middle - again
Guice on the tackle They should just let him kick off, too
Awesome performance by OL and RBs. Guice is freakin fantastic
In the eye, and les needs to execute a safety clap as he walks slump-shouldered to the tunnel
Steele's D has looked like shit in the second half of every single game this year. He is getting out-coached. It is just that simple.
Seriously - BDP needs to be fired at mid-field, right now, in public
I have no words - defense is terrible, particularly in the middle. I live in SC - all my USC friends have done nothing but talk about how crappy...
Just kick it straight out of bounds - that would be more honorable
That was brutal - their defense is done
We brought NO PRESSURE Why give a shitty QB all day to make a decision? That was pitiful
I can't believe our kickoffs have been reduced to this WTF?
Wow - what a break I love it
Damn - I've never seen a team take something as simple as a kickoff and make it so hard
They needed that We get ball to start second half - a TD would be devastating
Must score on this drive Absolutely must score