Actually that is all that is technically needed. I accusation w/ positive ID amd willingness to press charges. They will arrest then let the...
its on this site
Hickey didnt sign with UK for a couple reasons. he aint a 5 star recruit and Cal only recruits 5 star 1 and dones. Also the signed Teague the...
add the 49ers to that list
a hard slide is you are right, but that was a bs slide. however i agree he is over hyped and i to would walk albert every at bat until they put...
and that was a punk a$$ slide to break up the dp. he made no effort towards the bag and went in high.
they were on the team just never played in games. So, I would think the still have a NC ring. However, they still made wrong decision.
actually she might do him some good. he put on twitter she told him to shut up and play and all he could say was yes ma'am. as far as him...
too close for comfort. :wave:
seems to be alot of bitching going on around here tonight during a game were we are whuppin an underfeated 16th ranked team in the nation at their...
I would think so too. Unless they dont plan on putting A&M in west which wouldn't make sense. So, I see Bama and Auburn moving to the east which... just the first one I found
thats probably because its like the 3rd time they have been posted on here.
good we can watch UF whoop that tail in prime time. It will be great I can attend the LSU butt whippin of UK and still be able to watch the...
he was fined i believe it was only 10k though. Also Troy P got 15k for a horse collar does that make sense. Also heard today on espn that the...
Actually they don't. But now they have changed it to a TBA game time. So, it looks like could be some changes.
Funny how everytime somebody says something you dont like you start name calling. Call Mayweather dirty all you want, its not gonna matter what...
never I am always there early in the AM regardless of game time.
protect your self at all time!!! that rule got put to the test tonight. ortiz was just as dirty that was a blatant headbutt. also they had...
LSU website has us at 7pm kickoff that date, my tickets have us at 7pm kickoff. And cbs has us at 7 pm kickoff. Sports - Sports...