JPW obviously won't be back since he's a senior, and Andre Smith is projected as a top 5 NFL pick and is amost certain to leave, but Cody will...
Watch the next few years as we do that again.
Oh, I don't underestimate LSU's O line or running backs. You have good players there. I'm fully aware that some of our success in holding top...
Well, that's an appealing idea, but Bama has been giving up only 60 yd/gm on the ground and only 1 rushing TD all season. Totally shut down...
Kind of what I assumed. I find it hard to believe most LSU fans are still really all that angry or worked up over Saban. It will be a heck of a...
Hard to tell about this game with all the noise & emotion. We're very solid and don't make many mistakes though. Talent on both sides, but we're...
Serious question: How much do most LSU fans care about Saban in this game? Are you still angry & want to beat him, or is it no big deal any longer?
Yeah, Florida did sort of get cheap and tacky at the end of the UGA/FL game. They've got a heck of a team though. Beating them in the SECCG will...
FWIW, I'll toss my opinion in here. Until I see more, I don't think you'd be far off if you just took OU, Bama, Mizz, LSU, Texas & PSU and drew...
We don't get to play the gators this year, so we're depending on you to kick 'em a little bit for us too! Your butts better be undefeated Nov 8th!...