The NCAA learned a serious lesson with the SMU death penalty. Mark it down their will NEVER be another death penalty. Besides would you not miss...
Guys i think you all have to reallize the quality of coaching weve had since Stallings left. Its been terrible. Trust me no one here is expecting...
His contract calls for a 2% cost of living increase each year that should take care of it. I'm trying to be funny but in reality if he performs as...
If his heart is in college football like he says,where is ho going to go without taking a major pay cut. You think he doesn't enjoy being the...
He signed a contract with no buy out clause. If we decided to fire him he still gets paid. If he decides to leave tomorrow to go somewhere else,...
Surely you don't think he was worried about being paid. Heck we will be paying the last guy for the next 4 years NOT to coach. One thing we WILL...
Thanks for the book suggestion. Not read it but i know what your talking about with sam bam cunningham.Bear went out and recruited some strong...
Sounds like he has a good agent. Actually Saban took a pay cut to come to Bama. he was making 4.5m year at miami.
I thought LSU fans were of the opinion anything that happened over 2 years ago was ancient history. Lets see What else happened that year?
These were just teasers. you will have to buy the book to find out more.
Ok now you want to get into this fray? welcome aboard...
Excuse me but what was the subject? I already new i was inadequate, my wife has been telling me this for years.
Ok you have gone to far now!!! I'm really upset! Bordering on using the "f"'t be prudent. This is to easy!!!:lol:
Now i know where the "cow college" originated. Thanks for setting me straight....keep it going ..i love it!
Who alleged anything against LSU? The question was do you think LSU is sqeaky clean?.....I guess you do. Nobody cheats on their taxes either...:)
In case you didn't know there is more than 1 vet. school. AKA 'cow college"
Get real .... every school cheats,only we got caught! Do you really think LSU is sqeaky clean?.....Please.....
The mighty soap suds???? .....I like it! By the way the "cow college is down 280 in auburn.
Lets see 4 in a row against a team decimated by 5 years of probation. what a major accomplishment!!:hihi:
Puleeze Puleeze dont flush me yet. This is just to easy!