Things that still get me pissed... ....Auburn lighting up cigars in '99(?) after they beat us in TS. .... 01(I think?) Auburn's kicker...
This will be my first purchase as well, followed immediately by Dark Knight. I have the series on DVD, and is is narrated by Sigorney Weaver so...
If you do this, upgrade as early as you can. They have set a limit on how many student tickets can be upgraded, and they might (For arkansas,...
Viewing parties? Not sure what you mean. I usually like shows like the Wire, Dexter etc cause while they might be 100% true or real, but could...
Great one. I have always wanted to go to the east coast of Australia, and will be the next big trip I take when I can afford it.
Ari is one of my favorite chracters ever, and is supposedly based on a real agent (Who I would love to meet). Watch a few of the earlier seasons...
1. The Wire by a long way. My favorite show of all time. 2-5. In no order: Dexter, Entourage, South Park, Scrubs.
I am completely for legalization. I think the only thing stopping it is a accurate, efficient field test. If you are suspected of being high...
Don't jinx the football team too! :yelwink2:
Cool video. I thought they were pretty biased too, but looking a second time they just have a ton of Vandy clips and only a couple (I only...
Think bama does too.
josh reed @ bama I'd guess, I still have the wallpaper somewhere on my comp. Think it was 298 yards, reed-iculous!
I have been hoping to get a pistol recently and had a chance to shoot a few of my friend's this weekend. I thought I wanted an HK USP .40, but...
We used to stand in the left field parking lot and watch the game through a gap in the fence, but I don't think there is anywhere outside the...
I'd settle for a game on TV....
Tom Tom has a feature that allows you to change the voices. Even stoners can't ignore Mr. T yelling "Take a right fool!" or "Enough jibba jabba,...
Legalize it. Shouldn't be allowed to compete in any organized sport if taking them though.
There was a great thread on this right after I joined. I am totally for legalizing weed, and after watching the Wire (Best show ever), actually...
I drove by after class at around 7PM on Tuesday and someone was having batting practice.
Hey it sucks. I hate to see the recruit having this kinda power as anyone. But in the end, risk vs reward. 1-2 vs 3-4 years, is he even...