Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill We may never know. I have no offshore experience, but from my experience on land the only thing I can figure...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Just got word they stopped one of the leaks early this morning, which will make placing the dome/funnel...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill This isn't entirely accurate. They had already set their plugs for temporary abandonment (so the...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill I have heard a few things but they are keeping a very tight lid on it. They have closed an entire floor of...
Re: Oil Rig explosion? My bro-in-law was one of the six BP employees and got out there a couple of days ago. He had to leave his cell phone but...
Reminded me of this video I saw last year. There is a curse word or two, so might be NSFW. YouTube - HASTILY MADE CLEVELAND TOURISM VIDEO...
I am also planning on going this year no matter what, but it will be my first time. Should I already be looking into tickets? For some reason I...
Been watching a ton of movies recently (thanks torrents!), a few of my ratings to kill some time at work. Hurt Locker: 7.5/10. Very intense...
Jeff Duncan's tweets (twits?) say "Shockey has a bruised knee, per Sean Payton. Should be back at practice on Wed." A couple of earlier ones...
If I remember right, Jarred Allen really did much until that backup for the cowboys came in. Not to mention we will be at home where we won't...
LOL! This game was awesome! I predicted 31-13 before the game, but I will take it. :lol: I have never, ever heard the dome get so loud, I...
"Still glad I didn't go to jail"
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals I think it will be a high scoring game but not a shootout. Cards come into the dome on a short week, after an...
I am pulling for UT, but an Izzy guarantee is the nail in the coffin. Putting a bet on 'Bama, ASAP.
Well this post made it easy to figure out who you are on :lol: I will say Minn because of their pass rush. Offenses will score...
Already got mine, happy we will be playing for something! The defense isn't the same without Sed, they could get 5 yards on a draw whenever...
Have you ever seen that movie conspiracy theory with mel Gibson? "But anyone with a computer can still easily find out the name of the business...
Sorry if this was already posted, I tend to skim the posts bashing the other parties' views. Thought it was relevant though: AP News: FACT...
Can't believe we have to vote on this, I hate living in east texas. Link helps:
We didn't do the bar thing in tusc, was in bham on Friday and did tailgates after the game. Really don't know anything about the night life other...