I thought ole miss was way overrated and one of the worst tailgating experiences. We drove around for 45 minutes looking for somewhere to...
I have been wanting to ask for this for a while but figured it was not a big deal. Since the design change, I figured I'd aak anyways. I check...
On Doomed Rig's Last Day, a Divisive Change of Plan - WSJ.com Interesting article. Gives goosebumps.
IMHO, a major reason it is still illegal is because there isn't a short term field test that can show how "high" you are. I never thought it made...
Reminded me of this classic. YouTube - Snickers Chefs
I hadn't heard of this oversigning issue until this weekend talking to an aggie friend. He told me they are trying to get an olineman we let go to...
No technology failure? If the BOP worked, we wouldn't have even heard about it. Not to mention all the things coming out around transoceans audits...
That was a strange post, lsudad. Im ready for this mess to get to court. The investigation would have been over long ago, but everyone...
Dang I had to go three pages back to find this thread. As BP plugs leak, report says most of oil is gone - Yahoo! News Now the real finger...
The pressure will rise slowly while gas/oil is flowing into the drilled hole. When the pressure pushing on the cap(Understand that the same force...
The ones with mullets?
Best goal and game of the tournament that I have had a chance to watch. The way Germany has been rolling, smart money would probably be them...
I quit smoking because my company drug tests often, sometimes hair tests, not because I agree with the law. I don't have any dependents, but I...
The pipe rams on the bop are designed to close around the pipe. This is what they would close first, and if their spacing wasn't right could have...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill The BOP is the ultimate "oh sh*t" plan, and will be a big issue going forward. If it works, this...
Was thinking about this the other day talking to some guys about noodling while working in OK. None of them had a clue what it was. Still not...
Many people would say the same about baseball. To each their own. If you want a really boring game, watch cricket. 14 hours? Soccer is...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill A top kill would probably have saved more oil because it would have not been lost in the gulf and then...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Zero chance. BP is not an expert in any area of drilling; they produce the oil but hire all the other...